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Phantom Drift 6: The Impression of Irreducible Strangeness

Writer: AdminAdmin

PD6 has arrived and is being sent out to contributors, editors and advance orders. You can now order through the Phantom Drift website. The journal is 7.5 X 9.25, 172 pgs.

“A touchstone of the fantastic is the impression of irreducible strangeness,” Roger Caillois opined in his 1965 classic, Au Coeur du Fantastique…Caillois acknowledges the fantastic as a transgressive amusement whose supernatural elements “disrupt the stability of a world whose laws were hitherto strict and immutable. They constitute the Impossible, unexpectedly arising in a world that by definition excludes the Impossible”—a duality you will also witness often in the pages of Phantom Drift. -- Matt Schumacher, from his introduction.

This issue includes fiction by Reem Abu-Baker, Mary Burroughs, Chris Gavaler, Charles Jensen, John McKever, Susannah Mandel, Jason Namey, Keith Rosson, Kellie Wells, Tom Weller, Charles Wilkinson. Poetry by Brennan Bestwick, Mary Lenoir Bond,Walt Curtis, Rob Cook, Michael Luis Dauro, Jessica Goody, James Grabill, Donald Illich, Nazifa Islam, Satoshi Iwai, John Phillip Johnson, Steve Klepetar, Iryna Klishch, Jennifer Lynn Krohn, Elizabeth O’Brien, Sarah Paley, Samuel Piccone, Dan Raphael, David Russomano, John W. Sexton, Kimberly Simms, Jessica Van de Kemp, Sarah Winn, John Yohe, Art Zilleruelo. Nonfiction by Greg Beatty, John Morrison, Matt Schumacher. Ineterior art by Marissa DeGolier, Marx Myth, Tai Taeoalii. Cover art by Irene Hardwicke Olivieri.

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